Could you have done better on your GCSEs? Don't give up on your ambition.
Today is GCSE result day and if you’re one of the millions who have found out what the results of two years of work and effort have produced for you then I hope it went well. This morning your concern was probably about how those results will affect your future. If you got the grades to go on and do what you were hoping to do then great, congratulations to you but not everyone will be so fortunate. For those individuals who didn’t get the grades they required for their plans, things are not looking so rosy.
Why they didn’t get the required grade will, of course, vary from individual to individual and so will the best decision as to where to go from here. Let’s examine some of the options. Maybe instead of going on to further education an apprenticeship is the way forward. You can even obtain a degree in some subjects through the apprenticeship route nowadays. Apprenticeship doesn’t just mean doing things like car mechanics or pluming anymore. Only yesterday a local news program had a feature about some apprentices studying to degree level for work in the nuclear fuel industry.
Some however will either have to give up on their dreams or take the dreaded re-sit and hope to do better next time. If this is you, ask yourself what can you do differently next time? Do you need to do anything differently next time? One question you probably won’t ask is can hypnotherapy help increase my chances of success? As you probably won’t ask this question I won’t wait for you too, I’ll just answer it. Yes it can. Here’s how. If you found it difficult to get into a good routine for revision then hypnosis can help you set out a routine and stick to it. Hypnosis can help you manage and handle the stress building up to the day and nerves on the day of the exam. Keeping calm can help you think more clearly so nerves can be a problem for some. Simple trigger words to keep you thinking clearly, said to yourself so no one will ever know, can do the trick.
The other way you could go is to give up on achieving your dream and do something else. You will always still have your dream but you will just be a dreamer. Re-sits or alternative routes to becoming what you want will always be harder than just giving up. Just as in the same way not trying at all was easier than trying. So if you’re thinking of giving up why not battle on, it’s better than dreaming. So I suppose the last question you should ask yourself is. Do you have a dream or an ambition? Before you answer just let me point out, dreamer’s dream, people with ambition put in the effort and time required until they succeed. What do I think? I think you should be ambitious.