Copy and paste
Yesterday an ex-colleague from my RAF days posted on Facebook a post about PTSD asking everybody to copy and paste it. The post was...
Positive thinking got me through cancer scare.
Today’s writing is a tail of positive thinking more than anything else. Not about how positive thinking can change your life or...
I'm back
Now it has been a while since my last blog and I’m making no excuses. I’ve been ill for some of that time but for most of it I just...
The Rule of Reciprocation and the Presidency
A couple of days ago I heard a programme on the radio about the upcoming election in the USA. At one point three people were interviewed...
SAD season is here
Now the clocks have gone back and tonight is Halloween can only mean one thing, winter is on the way, it is now autumn. Despite the...
Addicted to prescription drugs?
I know this is a day later than usual but I wanted to listen to the Radio 5 Live pod cast on this subject first. The subject, over...
Natural Breast Enlargement
The breast augmentation industry is already big business and growing every year. If you can convince your doctor that the size of your...
Why tell the receptionist?
I read a news an article today, on the internet, from Sky News about doctor’s receptionists. You can read the article here, apparently...
Harvard Medical School validates the use of hypnosis.
On April 9 2012 an article in The Wall Street Journal highlighted the benefits of hypnotherapy for medical conditions. It uses studies...
Limited time offer you won't want to miss.
Today I’m starting a new offer and if I say so myself it’s quite an amazing opportunity. You see I never ask a client to leave a review...