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Change is inevitable

Anybody who has studied psychology will be able to tell you about the Grief Curve we go through when we suffer the loss of a loved one. Sometimes though it’s called the Change Curve because we can go through the same steps for the loss of almost anything. We expect to go through the Change Curve in our house hold as we are currently helping our daughter move out of our home and into her own. Yes we will miss her but hopefully although we don’t want her to leave, we’ll quickly get used to her not being here. But thinking about it, we spend our entire children’s childhood preparing them for adulthood, so they can go out into the world and look after themselves and raise their own family yet, when the time comes we still don’t want them to leave. Even though we know the time is right, they’re prepared and you can both still visit each other, we as parents still want to nurture and take care of our “little ones”. We humans don’t like change and some of us cope with it better than others. Change however is a part of life and the only thing that never changes is that change is inevitable.

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